Monday, November 29, 2010

Type 2 Diabetes...A solution!

As we approach 2011, a lot of people are thinking of making New Year's Resolutions. A lot of the time these resolutions include making better health decisions and usually involve weight-loss goals.

I was intrigued by this 1 minute video tonight because it shows that you have to start somewhere...even if you have Type 2 Diabetes. I think a lot of people (I sound like a broken record!) think that skinny people have always been skinny and bigger people have always been big. But, what we often fail to realize is that thin people are not always healthy, yet so many of us strive to be thin! And, if we've fallen off the wagon and totally let ourselves go at some point we start to believe that we are destined to live unhealthy, unsatisfying lives.

I'm here today to tell you that it's not true! I used to believe that I was destined to be bulimic my entire life because of my struggle with food. I allowed myself to become so emotionally bound to food that it literally consumed me to the very pit of my soul. It was a nasty, hidden part of my life that I was ashamed to be me.

What I'm trying to get across is that I have a special calling to help people get their lives back. I believe that every one of us has the ability to make changes regarding our health and fitness, AND, it doesn't matter at what point you begin.

Kathy Smith's Project You: Type 2 and the American Diabetes Association have developed this amazing program in conjunction with doctors this all-in-one solution to help manage diabetes, reduce your risk for diabetes complications, and get you back in control of your health!

I want, so badly, to help you get your life back! Please check out this 1 minute video via this link:

Thank you,


  1. Angela, you are such an amazing leader. Thank you for this.

  2. WOW! You opened up and showed your raw self! good job....thanks for that....this will help so many people! keep writing! :0)

  3. This is amazing information. Thank You for sharing your journey, you are committed to saving LIVES! What a Blessing
